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In Person

Meditation Courses

Keen to increase your resilience? Meditation is like taking you brain to the gym, while your body gets deep rest. But like the term ‘exercise’, it is an umbrella for different types that engage the mind and body in different ways.

From personal experience and research, I offer specific courses both in person and online to give you most efficient return on your investment of time.

Too busy to meditate? Meditation will increase your productivity. Can’t Control your thoughts? Me neither, that is not what meditation is all about. Struggled to maintain a consistent practice? I’ll work you through the habit creation process.

This isn’t about changing your whole life its about incorporating some small changes to make you better at life.


Group Vedic Meditation Course:

Meditation for beginners and experts! This is a very specific technique that will likely be quite different to what you have done in the past unless you have already learnt Vedic (or TM as it is very similar) The aim of this course is to provide you with the knowledge, skills and support so you walk a way as a self-sufficient meditator. No need to be guided each time or having to plug into an app. If you are serious about seeing results from your practice this is the best option.

The course is taught in three workshops over three consecutive days by Janoah.

Day 1: 1-1.5 hours | One on one or small group | Receive your mantra | The basics | Learn to meditate

Day 2: 2 hours | Group session | Check-in | Meditation | Vedic philosophy | Practicalities for best results | Routines

Day 3: 2 hours | Group session | Check-in | Meditation | Neuroscience of stress | Living in creation | Barriers and moving forward

Follow up – As part of the course fee you are invited to attend any group meditation workshops I host both online and in person. I am here on-going to guide you through the process. You are also free to resit the course with me at any time free of charge.

Your investment: FULL PAYMENT: $1000 AUD incl GST | PAYMENT PLAN: $185/per month for 6 Months AUD incl GST

Special Discounts for Group Vedic Meditation Course: Full time student / teenager: 30%